Is the Cold War Really Finished?

by Kevin D. Freeman on April 21, 2013

UPDATE:  After posting the English Translation of a German article late on a Sunday night, we were sent the original article as it appeared on Financial Sense. Here is the original (untranslated) version. We’ve kept the translated version in place for your reference. It is pretty amazing how this information goes around the world. Many thanks to the German translator/publisher who brought this to our attention. And much appreciation to friend Jeff Nyquist who brought our book Secret Weapon out in his interview with a former top KGB advisor.

Here is the original link and untranslated article:

Published on FINANCIAL SENSE (

Why Trading with Russia and China Is Stupid

By JR Nyquist
Created 1 Apr 2013

Last week I wrote about Boris Berezovsky, the Russian billionaire whose death [1] was being investigated by British authorities. In order to understand Berezovsky’s career as the godfather of Russian capitalism, I asked former KGB officer Konstantin Preobrazhenskiy about Berezovsky’s background. Without the slightest hesitation, he said that Berezovsky was a KGB agent who got his wealth from the Communist Party Soviet Union. He added that all the Russian oligarchs had been created in the same manner. To fully grasp the significance of this revelation, readers should imagine what it would signify if every single American billionaire had been set up in business by the FBI, using money taken from the Democratic Party. What kind of capitalism would be established on this basis? And a further question: what kind of trade system is so established?

Continuing my interview of last week, I put these and other questions to Konstantin Preobrazhenskiy, who once worked as a top advisor to the Soviet KGB’s Directorate “T”. According to Preobrazhenskiy, “Russia is not a country of trade. Imperial Russia before 1917 was such a country. The current Russia and USSR, to which she is an inheritor, is a country of espionage.”

I asked Preobrazhenskiy whether he has shared these insights with U.S. policy-makers. “Oh no,” he said with a laugh. “They run from my opinions.” And why does a former KGB officer (who knows the truth of these things firsthand) get the cold shoulder from those he is trying to warn? The West, says Preobrazhenskiy, is the prisoner of its own wishful thinking. “The Myth that the Cold War has ended is the greatest delusion of the West,” he explained. “Let us ask a simple question: When did the Cold War finish – what date? When the armistice agreement was signed? And who admitted defeat?” he asked with a hint of sarcasm.

“Many believe that the Soviet Union was defeated,” the former KGB officer continued. “But maybe it has only gotten smaller. In fact, I do not see a large difference between the current Russia and the Soviet Union. Especially because some of its former republics – independent on paper – are still governed by the Kremlin; and if you try to approach any passerby on the Russian street and ask him if the Cold War is finished, he will tell you that it is not so, and that the U.S. is running the Cold War against Russia. He knows it from Russian state propaganda.”

Considering researcher Kevin E. Freeman’s theory [2] that America’s economy has been intentionally sabotaged by “rogue elements in Communist China and Russia,” I asked about Russian and Chinese efforts to undermine the U.S. economy through trade. “It is impossible to undermine such a great country as the USA through trade,” said Preobrazhenskiy. “But it is possible to be done through espionage, sabotage and other kinds of secret activities. Both Russia and China know America’s vulnerabilities, and they are exploiting them as much as they can.”

But why would Russia and China do this?

“The same question is asked by the counterintelligence heads of Britain and Germany,” replied the former KGB officer. “In their interviews I feel a sincere misunderstanding: ‘Why are Russian spies distracting us from more important work against Chinese spies and Muslim terrorists? Don’t the Russians know that the Cold War has ended?’ I only grin hearing all this because Russia has very good relations both with the Muslims and the Chinese. There is no wonder that the new President of China, Xi Jinping, made his first visit not to the United States, but to Russia; and Putin has rejected the invitation to come to the United States and made his first visit to Belarus, thus demonstrating the idea of reconstructing the USSR. You are also wondering on what ideological basis Russia is spying against American now. It is done on the basis of anti-Americanism. They now see their goal as depriving the U.S. of its global power status. The basis of this anti-Americanism is the ideology of Eurasianism, invented by the NKVD in the 1920s. Now it has become the official ideology of Russia. It proclaims opposition against America on the basis of friendship with Iran and China.”

I asked the former KGB officer about Russia’s commitment to communism. Is communism really dead? And has capitalism really triumphed?

“Russia has never renounced communism!” Preobrazhenskiy exclaimed. “There is no official document where the Russian authorities would have said, ‘We renounce communism and condemn it.’ There was, of course, an attempt to force the renunciation of communism in 1992, when the court case against the Soviet Communist Party began. But very soon a powerful communist lobby crushed it. And this is not all, as I have learned from Vladimir Bukovsky. The trial of communism was terminated at the request of the West, since the West was so deeply involved in flirting with Soviet communism that if it became publicly known it would have caused a scandal. “

I asked if the continuance of communist power in Russia explained Moscow’s willingness to bury the last Tsar while refusing to bury Lenin.

“Russia’s seeming turn away from communism was nothing but a cosmetic operation,” noted Preobrazhenskiy. “The communists have now repainted themselves as democrats; and besides, now many tourists from communist China are arriving at Moscow – and first of all they rush to see Lenin’s body. Some of them say it is the main point of their coming to Moscow. I have seen huge crowds near Lenin’s tomb. How is it possible to bury Lenin after all this? Oh, how naïve the West is!”

Since Preobrazhenskiy worked for the KGB in the Far East recruiting Chinese and Japanese agents, I couldn’t help asking about a possible military alliance between Russia and China. To this he immediately replied, “This alliance already exists.” I asked on what basis this alliance was formed, given the idea that Russia and China were natural rivals.

“China is an ideological enemy of America,” he said. “It can’t be anything except an adversary. On the other hand, both Russia and China enjoy ideological integrity: devotion to communism and hatred of America. Chinese communists understand that the Russians have to put on a mask of democracy before the naïve West; but before China they don’t need this mask and unmask themselves. Both countries do not publicly declare their anti-American alliance. It is a part of their joint activity of deceiving America. You see, ideological integrity is a sufficient frame for such an alliance. As it is not public, it mostly concerns cooperation in some secret spheres. It is intelligence, first of all, in which they cooperate. I am sure there is some agreement between the intelligence services of both Russia and China for undermining America, but it is kept secret.”

There are some readers who will become angry at reading Preobrazhenskiy’s testimony. But Konstantin Preobrazhenskiy is not alone in making these statements. Others from his world have defected and risked their lives to warn Americans. Yet the story is always the same. Americans don’t want to listen to warning messages. It is our determination, as a people, to believe what is convenient and to accept enemy-generated propaganda about ourselves. We want to invest in Russia and China. We want to believe that capitalism has triumphed. But capitalism is dying right here, right now, on American soil. How do we explain this? Have we properly accounted for what is happening? Our long prosperity has spoiled us. Our wealth has inoculated us from the truth. We have now become a people who prefer pleasant lies to unpleasant truths. We had better wake up. There isn’t much time left.

About JR Nyquist


An interesting article and interview, written in German by Jeff Nyquist appeared today at blu-News:

Here are a few of our thoughts:

First, we don’t speak German so we have to rely on translation software so the rendering may or may not be accurate. Second, we respect Jeff Nyquist but do not know his interview subject other than what is shared. Therefore, we are not attempting to do anything more than share with you what was written. We are not suggesting whether or not his thoughts accurately reflect geopolitical reality. We do note with particular interest, however, the section of questions regarding our book Secret Weapon and the implications therein. It does appear that Jeff’s interview subject clearly believes that the Russians, Chinese, and Islamists are waging an economic war against the United States. Finally, other than making the pertinent sections bold, we did nothing to adjust the final product. We even left the middle initial “E” for Kevin Freeman that the translate software used when his actual middle initial is “D.”

Applying Google Translate to the article, we come up with the following:


The opinion of others opinion titles – 21 April 2013
Jeff Nyquist: Why you should not trade with Russia and China
Is the Cold War really over?


(Photo: DoD photo, source: Wikipedia; rights; CC license; Original: See link)

Jeff Nyquist talks with Konstantin Preobrazhensky Georgiyevich. Preobrazhensky is a former KGB officer, an intelligence expert and author of several books and numerous articles on the Russian secret police.

Recently I wrote an article about Boris Berezovsky, the Russian billionaire whose cause of death was investigated by the British authorities. To better understand Berezovsky’s career as a godfather of Russian capitalism, I asked the former KGB officer Konstantin Preobrazhensky after Berezovsky background. Without hesitation he said that Berezovsky was a KGB agent who had been his fortune by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. He added that all the Russian oligarchs were created in the same way. Should be to understand the significance of this revelation fully imagine what it would be if every American billionaire had come by the FBI into business with money from the Democratic Party. What kind of capitalism would have been established on this basis? And another question: what kind of trading system would have issued it?

In continuation of my interview I asked Preobrazhenski Constantine, who had previously worked as a senior consultant for the Directorate T of the Soviet KGB, these and other questions. According Preobrazhensky is “Russia no trading partners. Tsarist Russia before 1917 was one such country. The USSR and its successor, the current Russia is a land of espionage. ”

The ignorance of Western intelligence

Preobrazhensky I asked if he had discussed this information with U.S. officials. “Oh no,” he replied, laughing, “they run away from my messages.” But why is a former KGB officer (of the truth about these machinations firsthand knows) of those he tries to warn the cold shoulder shown? The West, as Preobrazhensky is trapped in his own wishful thinking. He said, “the myth that the Cold War is finished is the biggest illusion of the West”. “Let us imagine a simple question: When the Cold War was over – which day? When was the armistice signed? And who conceded his defeat on? “It said this with a trace of sarcasm.

The former KGB officer continued: “Many believe that the Soviet Union was defeated. But maybe she’s just become a little smaller. In fact, I do not see any big difference between the current Russia and the Soviet Union. Especially considering the fact that some of its former republics – that are independent on paper – are still ruled by the Kremlin. And if some people on the street in Russia asks if the Cold War had finished, he will reply that this is not the case and that the U.S. is waging a cold war against Russia. He has made the Russian state propaganda. ”

Given the revelation of Kevin E. Freeman, that the American economy was deliberately sabotaged by enemy forces from China and Russia, I asked about the Russian and Chinese attempts to undermine the American economy through trade. Preobrazhensky replied “it is impossible to undermine such a big country like the U.S. through trade. But it is possible through espionage, sabotage and other types of covert operations. Both Russia and China know the weaknesses of America and they use it as best they can. “

But why should Russia and China do that?

“The same question myself and the leaders of the counterintelligence Britain and Germany,” said the former KGB officer. “In their interviews, I feel a big misunderstanding, why distract us from the more important Russian spies working against Chinese spies and Islamist terrorists from? Do not know because the Russians that the Cold War is over? ‘I can only laugh when I hear all this, because Russia has very good relationships with both the Islamists and the Chinese. It is no coincidence that the new Chinese President Xi Jinping his first state visit did not in the U.S., but in Russia, and Putin has rejected the invitation to come to the United States and first Belarus visited to demonstrate the restoration of the USSR. You may ask, to which Russia operates its ideological base current espionage against America. This happens on the basis of anti-Americanism. Their goal is to overthrow the United States as a world power now. The basis of this anti-Americanism is the Eurasian ideology, which was invented by the NKVD in the 1920s. This has become the official ideology of Russia. It urges the opposition to America on the basis of friendship with Iran and China.”

I asked the former KGB officer by Russia’s relationship to communism. Is communism really dead? And the market economy has really won?

Preobrazhensky said, “Russia has never renounced communism! There is no single official document in which the Russian authorities had said that we disavow communism and condemn him. ‘ Of course there was an attempt in 1992 to condemn communism, as the trial of the CPSU began. But that was quickly suppressed by a powerful communist lobby. And as I have learned from Vladimir Bukovsky is not all. The case against communism was discontinued at the request of the West, because the West was so deeply involved in the cooperation with the Soviet communism, that it would have caused a scandal when it would become public knowledge. ”

I asked if the continuity of Communist power in Russia, the Moscow declared readiness, though to bury the last Tsar, but not Lenin.

“Russia’s apparent shift away from communism was nothing more than a cosmetic surgery,” said Preobrazhensky. “The Communists have now masquerading as Democrats and also many tourists now come from Communist China to Moscow and the first thing they want to see Lenin’s body. Some of them say that this is the main point of their trip to Moscow. I saw huge crowds in front of Lenin’s mausoleum. How can you as Lenin buried? Oh, how naive the West is! ”

The “Communist clenched fist”

Since Preobrazhensky was used by the KGB in the Far East to recruit Chinese and Japanese agents, I asked him about a possible military alliance between Russia and China. He replied immediately: “This alliance already exists.” I asked on what basis this alliance was closed because supposedly are Russia and China as rivals.

“China is an ideological enemy of America,” he said. “It may be nothing more than an enemy. On the other hand, Russia and China join ideological similarities: both are committed to communism and both hate America. The Chinese Communists know that the Russians must be presented to the naive west as Democrats, but against China they do not need this mask and show openly. Both countries declare their anti-Americanism, not public. It is part of their joint activities to deceive America.

As you can see there are enough similarities for such an ideological alliance. And since it is not public, cooperation consists mainly of secret areas. Primarily, the two countries are working together secret service. I am sure that there are arrangements between Russia and China to undermine America, but it is kept secret. ”

Preobrazhenskys probably will not please some readers report. But Konstantin Preobrazhensky is not alone with these statements. Other defectors from his country have risked their lives to warn the West. But the story is always the same. The West wants to hear any warning messages. We as a people are determined to believe in that which is comfortable and fall for the propaganda that puts the enemy above us in circulation. We want to invest in Russia and China. We want to believe that the market economy has prevailed. But the market economy is dying, here and now on American soil. How can we explain that? Do we really understand what is happening here? Our many years of prosperity has spoiled us. Our wealth has made us immune to the truth. We have become a nation that gives preference lies pleasant to unpleasant truths. We should better wake up. There is not much time.


Russian Capitalism and the Death of Boris Berezovksy – Financial Sense, March 25, 2013

Secret Weapon by Kevin Freeman

Author info:

Jeff Nyquist is a recognized expert on the Soviet long-range strategy and commented for many years the world political events against the background of continuing communist threat. He runs the website that educates on the strategic interaction between the world powers and shows that Russia and China are working on a way to the West, which is not understood by the Western elites.

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