It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that China is following the strategy they so eloquently explained in the 1999 strategic masterpiece, Unrestricted Warfare. Yet, we continue to seem shocked when we learn about some of the strategies being employed. The simple fact is that elements in China, along with Russia, are preparing to unseat American leadership from the world. This is no longer conjecture. The preponderance of the evidence is more than sufficient to draw a rational conclusion.
Let’s look at some of the critical facts. First, we know that information warfare is already at work and the goal is to displace American global leadership. From a Bill Gertz article last week in The Washington Times:
By Bill Gertz – – Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Retired Chinese Col. Liu Mingfu, one of Beijing’s most significant military supremacists, this week confirmed that China is using information warfare against its enemies.
Col. Liu spoke Monday night at the Georgetown home of Michael Pillsbury, a longtime consultant to the Pentagon on China, in promoting the English-language version of the colonel’s 2010 book, “The China Dream.” The book calls for China to replace the United States as global hegemon. The book’s ideas were adopted by Beijing’s communist rulers and have become the main “thought” of current party boss and President Xi Jinping.
Asked about the contradiction between official claims that China seeks peace and the covert use of the so-called three warfares — psychological, media and legal information operations — against enemies, Col. Liu said: “I don’t deny it….
Col. Liu in his book urged China to build up its military power to swiftly replace the United States as the world’s global power. He wrote that the U.S.-Chinese rivalry is a “competition to be the leading country, a conflict over who rises and falls to dominate the world.”
“To save itself, to save the world, China must prepare to become the [world’s] helmsman,” he states.
It is important to understand that many in the Chinese leadership see war with America to be inevitable. America doesn’t want to hear that but it’s true. Americans naively want to believe that China is content as a trading partner motivated solely by global profit. Chinese intentions are far greater than that. They are teaming with Russia to take control. That’s been a long-term strategy that was proposed by Russia but rejected by China in 2008. We have reason to suspect that the Chinese are prepared to consider it now.
The issue is that China is no longer willing to allow America to set terms. Their South China Sea ambitions will not be checked without risking war. That’s their clear message as shown in this UK Telegraph article:
US-China war ‘inevitable’ unless Washington drops demands over South China Sea
May 26, 2015
Warning from state-run China newspaper as Beijing reveals plans for development of disputed South China Sea islands
China has vowed to step up its presence in the South China Sea in a provocative new military white paper, amid warnings that a US-China war is “inevitable” unless Washington drops its objections to Beijing’s activities.
While most of the American media has chosen to ignore the evidence (Bill Gertz being a rare and valuable exception), the UK papers have been more truthful. Perhaps the British are better positioned to recognize a lagging Empire. Kudos to DRUDGE REPORT who puts significant headlines into the American conscience.
Another example from the UK Telegraph:
How China and Russia are teaming up to erode American dominance
While the US military is still the most formidable in the world, Beijing and Moscow are catching up.
May 12, 2015 By Tom Phillips, Beijing and Tom Parfitt, Moscow.
China has dispatched a convoy of warships for its first ever naval exercises in the Mediterranean, together with a Russian flotilla.
The drills demonstrate a strengthening bond between Moscow and Beijing, who – despite having no formal military alliance – see their combined might as a counterbalance to US power. Both countries have been modernising their armed forces, and while their equipment still lags behind top-end Western technology, experts say they are closing the gap.Xi Jinping came to power in 2012 vowing to dedicate his presidency to building the “Chinese Dream” of the “great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation”.
Part of that dream involves a major overhaul of China’s 2.3 million-man military which is three-times the size of Russia’s but which critics say has become bloated, corrupt and unfit for battle.“Chinese leaders see a strong military as critical to prevent other countries from taking steps that would damage China’s interests and to ensure China can defend itself, should deterrence fail,” said a Pentagon report released on Friday.
Before focusing on traditional military efforts, however, it is more important to recognize the information, subversion, and economic warfare methods already being waged against us.
In regard to economic espionage, The Wall Street Journal reported:
U.S. Charges Six Chinese Citizens With Economic Espionage
May 19, 2015 by Andrew Grossman
U.S. alleges group, including three professors, stole sensitive wireless technologyWASHINGTON—Six Chinese citizens, including three professors who trained together at the University of Southern California, stole sensitive wireless technology from U.S. companies and spirited it back to China, the Justice Department charged.
The six individuals allegedly swiped trade secrets from U.S. companies Avago Technologies and Skyworks Solutions Inc. relating to how to filter out unwanted signals in wireless devices, according to an indictment unsealed late Monday.
They then set up a joint venture with China’s state-controlled Tianjin University to produce and sell equipment using the technology, according to the indictment, and won contracts from both businesses and “military entities.”
The U.S. companies supply components for Apple’s iPhone, among other devices. Authorities said the case demonstrates persistent efforts to steal American technology developed in places like Silicon Valley, where Avago’s U.S. operations are based.
“Sensitive technology developed by U.S. companies in Silicon Valley and throughout California continues to be vulnerable to coordinated and complex efforts sponsored by foreign governments to steal that technology,” San Francisco U.S. Attorney Melinda Haag,whose office is prosecuting the case, said Tuesday.
Read more:
It is important to understand that China has an elaborate space warfare strategy where every American satellite would be put at risk. That is a pretty powerful economic warfare weapon. Then, when you consider China’s massive cyber warfare capabilities, there is every reason to be concerned. The recent revelation of a massive government data breach is only the most recent example of this effort. What do we know?
- The breach compromised very serious U.S. government databases.
- The database information goes back to 1985.
- The database contains sensitive information that has the potential to compromise U.S. national security.
- The hack was likely from China.
Consider this from The Washington Post:
With a series of major hacks, China builds a database on Americans
By Ellen Nakashima June 5, 2015
China is building massive databases of Americans’ personal information by hacking government agencies and U.S. health-care companies, using a high-tech tactic to achieve an age-old goal of espionage: recruiting spies or gaining more information on an adversary, U.S. officials and analysts say.
Groups of hackers working for the Chinese government have compromised the networks of the Office of Personnel Management, which holds data on millions of current and former federal employees, as well as the health insurance giant Anthem, among other targets, the officials and researchers said.
“They’re definitely going after quite a bit of personnel information,” said Rich Barger, chief intelligence officer of ThreatConnect, a Northern Virginia cybersecurity firm. “We suspect they’re using it to understand more about who to target [for espionage], whether electronically or via human recruitment.”…
“This is part of their strategic goal — to increase their intelligence collection via big-data theft and big-data aggregation,” said a U.S. government official who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive topic. “It’s part of a strategic plan.”…
The data could help Chinese analysts do more effective targeting of individuals, said a former National Security Agency official. “They can find specific individuals they want to go after, family members,” he said.
“This is an intelligence operation designed to help the Chinese government,” the China expert said. “It’s a new phase in an evolution of what they’re doing. It certainly requires greater sophistication on their part in terms of being able to take out this much data.”
This is a part of a grand global strategy. And, according to Ian Bremmer as reported in Business Insider, the strategy seems to be effective:
Only one country has a global strategy right now — and that should ‘unnerve’ the US
ELENA HOLODNY May 20, 2015
In our increasingly volatile and multipolar world, there’s one state with a true plan, according to Eurasia Group president Ian Bremmer.
“The only country in the world with a global strategy right now is China — and I think that should unnerve us,” Bremmer told Business Insider in a sit-down interview.
Bremmer argues that while Washington hasn’t had a defined foreign policy strategy for the last quarter century, China has decided both an economic and a military strategy for itself in the medium to long-term.
“The Chinese do want to compete with us economically globally. They want to compete with our standards, they want to compete with our influence, they want to compete with our architecture that we’ve created, and they’re doing that through the BRICS Bank, and the AIIB, and through the Silk Road Initiatives — you name it,” he said.
“Over a trillion dollars being spent — no one else comes close. And it’s a real strategy. It will certainly be overreach in some places, but overall, I suspect it will work.”
Read more:
[To be sure, the Russians have a serious information warfare effort as well as documented by The Blaze.]
Have the Chinese given up on a cooperative world, working with the United States rather than against us? Certainly some in China have clearly gone to the dark side, feeling justified by our debt and fiscal position. As a result, the Chinese have been stockpiling gold like crazy as reported by Bloomberg:
China’s push to challenge U.S. dominance in global trade and finance may involve gold — a lot of gold.
by Jasmine NgJoe DeauxEddie Van Der Walt April 20, 2015
While the metal is no longer used to back paper money, it remains a big chunk of central bank reserves in the U.S. and Europe. China became the world’s second-largest economy in 2010 and has stepped up efforts to make the yuan a viable competitor to the dollar. That’s led to speculation the government has stockpiled gold as part of a plan to diversify $3.7 trillion in foreign-exchange reserves.
The People’s Bank of China may have tripled holdings of bullion since it last updated them in April 2009, to 3,510 metric tons, says Bloomberg Intelligence, based on trade data, domestic output and China Gold Association figures. A stockpile that big would be second only to the 8,133.5 tons in the U.S.
“If you want to set yourself up as a reserve currency, you may want to have assets on your balance sheet other than other fiat currencies,” Bart Melek, head of commodity strategy at TD Securities, said by phone from Toronto. Gold is “certainly viewed as a viable store of value for an up-and-coming global power,” he said.
China may be preparing to update its disclosed holdings because policy makers are pressing to add the yuan to the International Monetary Fund’s currency basket, known as the Special Drawing Right, which includes the dollar, euro, yen and British pound. The tally may come before the IMF’s meetings on the SDR next month or in October, Nomura Holdings Inc. said in an April 8 report.
All of this has serious stock market and currency implications. Sadly, it is mostly ignored by Wall Street. But the October IMF reworking of their Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) could be a major wake-up call.
This is Phase Three of what we initially predicted as a global economic war in our report to the Pentagon and later explained in 2012’s Secret Weapon. While there is no guarantee that the dollar will come under attack this fall (the Chinese certainly have their fair share of economic troubles), if it does it will be serious.