Over the past decade, there have been multiple areas where we made clear statements about an issue or threat only to have the establishment deny there’s even a problem. Then later, sometimes months and sometimes years, people wake up or the truth leaks out and our original position is validated. That is happening with increasing frequency either because the weight of the truth is piling up or perhaps the Trump administration has slowed the stonewalling of information. Whatever the reason, this past week we found substantial corroboration of our positions. Here are four examples just this week:
- Russian efforts to undermine our nation.
- North Korean capabilities and intentions.
- Our financial markets are vulnerable to terrorists.
- Sino-Russian plans for the dollar.
First, the irony is not lost regarding the incessant efforts to tag the Trump Administration with Russian collusion. Yet, there is very little to go on here other than wishful fantasies by Democrats (even as noted in The Washington Post). Yes, Russia has been hacking and interfering in our politics, media, and economy for years. But the notion that it started with Trump or was in collusion with Trump lacks any semblance of credibility.
There is little doubt that the Obama administration went soft on Russia. We had the whole Russia reset button fiasco. There was also the massive FBI investigation (Ghost Stories) to catch Russian spying that was swept under the rug. Remember all those spies we caught (including the notorious Anna Chapman who almost reached into Obama’s cabinet)? They were whisked off and the whole affair covered up so fast it made your head swim:
10 Russian spies deported after guilty pleas
July 8, 2010
In the biggest spy swap since the Cold War, 10 Russian agents who infiltrated suburban America were deported Thursday in exchange for four people convicted of betraying Moscow to the West.
The spies left New York for Moscow hours after pleading guilty to conspiracy in a Manhattan courtroom and being sentenced to time served and ordered out of the country, said a law enforcement official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to speak on the record.
And now this week we have the revelations of what is seemingly clear collusion between the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One, a massive scandal that handed Russia control of 20% of our uranium:
FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow
THE HILL, October 17, 2017
Before the Obama administration approved a controversial deal in 2010 giving Moscow control of a large swath of American uranium, the FBI had gathered substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to grow Vladimir Putin’s atomic energy business inside the United States, according to government documents and interviews.
Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather extensive financial records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents show.
They also obtained an eyewitness account — backed by documents — indicating Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow, sources told The Hill.
The racketeering scheme was conducted “with the consent of higher level officials” in Russia who “shared the proceeds” from the kickbacks, one agent declared in an affidavit years later.
Rather than bring immediate charges in 2010, however, the Department of Justice (DOJ) continued investigating the matter for nearly four more years, essentially leaving the American public and Congress in the dark about Russian nuclear corruption on U.S. soil during a period when the Obama administration made two major decisions benefiting Putin’s commercial nuclear ambition…
[Take the time to read the entire article HERE. It corroborates the great work of Peter Schweitzer. Of course, it is more than a little troubling to learn that the scandal was swept under the rug by then FBI Robert Mueller, on President Obama’s watch, who is now charged with the current Russia investigation.]
Consider that this investigation came from The Hill, a source considered left center.
If the name at the center of this scandal was Trump rather than Clinton,we would hear nothing else from TV news for weeks. Yet, despite a valid source and a genuine scandal, there’s barely any mention despite the photographic and email evidence of President Clinton meeting with Putin in the midst of it.
We have warned repeatedly of Russian interference in our economy. Some of the issues we raised including attempts to interfere in the 2008 election, subversion of our stock markets, undermining our currency, and sabotaging our energy industry. All of these were ignored. President Obama was caught on a hot microphone promising Putin “more flexibility” when he got past the scrutiny of an election. President Obama laughed off Mitt Romney’s assertion that Russia was any sort of threat, despite the evidence he had in hand (and covered up) on Russian spying and collusion with the Clinton Foundation to take over American uranium. Russia only became important as a foil to undermine the Trump Presidency. Then, with scant evidence the whole Russia collusion became an article of faith. This persists despite the sketchiness of the discredited so-called Trump dossier that started this all. The firm behind it has basically “plead the fifth.” Now that genuine Russian corruption has been exposed in connection with the Clintons, the media is virtually silent. We haven’t been silent, however.
Point: We were right all along. Russian is a threat to American interests and not when it just seems convenient politically.
Second, North Korea is a major cyber threat. We said this years ago with the hack of Sony Pictures. We have warned that North Korea had a serious EMP threat. We warned about North Korean counterfeiting. This is a regime intent on undermining both our economy and security. Yet, despite this, the “experts” told us that North Korea wasn’t really a threat. They told us it would be years if not decades before they got EMP capability given the state of their nuclear program and missile capabilities. Yet, in a very short period they have proven more than capable. We were also told to ignore the satellites they were launching. Now, they are launching even more, any one of which could contain a small nuclear device ready to serve as a remote detonation EMP. And, in regard to cyber, they have actually developed one of the more sophisticated capabilities even as the world was laughing at them:
The world once laughed at North Korean cyber power. No more.
By David E. Sanger and David D. Kirkpatrick New York Times October 15, 2017
NEW YORK — Amid all the attention on Pyongyang’s progress in developing a nuclear weapon capable of striking the continental United States, North Korea has quietly developed a cyberprogram that is stealing hundreds of millions of dollars and proving capable of unleashing global havoc.
Unlike its weapons tests, which have led to international sanctions, the North’s cyberstrikes have faced almost no pushback or punishment, even as the regime is already using its hacking capabilities for attacks against its adversaries in the West.
While its track record is mixed, North Korea’s army of more than 6,000 hackers is undeniably persistent, and improving, according to American and British security officials who have traced cyberattacks to the North.
When North Korean hackers tried to steal $1 billion from the New York Federal Reserve last year, only a spelling error stopped them….
The regime may be in bad shape but they are fully prepared to wreak havoc.
That’s the admission that we were right all along. North Korea has serious cyber game:
With war plan hack, North Korea finds the trump card- Nikkei Asian Review
October 14, 2017
SEOUL/TOKYO — Straight out of the text book of asymmetric warfare, North Korea’s thousand-plus hackers have allegedly succeeded in breaching the South Korean defense ministry’s data center, stealing 235 gigabytes of military secrets.
It is equivalent to some 15 million pages of documents and includes classified plans jointly drawn by the United States and South Korea. These contingencies include a surprise attack to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and other important figures, according to South Korean lawmaker Rhee Cheol-hee of the ruling Democratic Party of Korea.
The issue is not only that the surprise factor has been spoiled. The ease with which Pyongyang managed to steal such vital information may very well limit the quantity and quality of intelligence Washington shares with Seoul.
Cleary the skeptics were wrong. What if they have underestimated the EMP capability as well? Very recent Congressional testimony clearly shows that if our power grid were down for a year, 90% of Americans would likely die.
We can no longer afford to ignore this genuine threat.
The third example that we were right all along comes with the revelation that DARPA is looking for ways to mitigate cyber or other terror attacks on our financial markets as noted in The Wall Street Journal this week:
Pentagon Turns to High-Speed Traders to Fortify Markets Against Cyberattack
Experts attend brainstorming sessions to identify how hackers might wreak havoc
Dozens of high-speed traders and others from Wall Street are helping the Pentagon study how hackers could unleash chaos in the U.S. financial system.
The Department of Defense’s research arm over the past year and a half has consulted executives at high-frequency trading firms and quantitative hedge funds, and people from exchanges and other financial companies, participants in the discussions said. Officials described the effort as an early-stage pilot project aimed at identifying market vulnerabilities.
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or Darpa, began the initiative before the revelations of attacks on Equifax Inc. and the Securities and Exchange Commission brought public scrutiny of risks to U.S. market infrastructure….
We told DARPA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Office of Net Assessment, SOLIC, the Naval War College, the Naval Postgraduate School, the FBI, the House Armed Services Committee, and a host of government contractors that our markets were vulnerable.
We warned about how even social media websites could be used against the markets and how High-Frequency Trading could be a weapon in a flash crash. We were largely ignored. But now, they are beginning to pay attention. In fact, one of the more serious skeptics has finally come around (from Zero Hedge on October 15):
Again, what this means is that we were right all along. We must shore up our financial market defenses.
The fourth example is the idea that China would ever want to harm the U.S. economy or displace the dollar. We knew it to be true and explained in detail how and why. Despite clear and compelling evidence, there are pro-China factions inside the government and media determined to prevent an American response. A few, such as Michael Pillsbury, have seen the light and produced extraordinary work demonstrating the China threat. But for the most part, Chinese influence has prevented Americans from learning the truth.
We have shown that Russia attempted to get the Chinese to dump the dollar and attack our economy in 2008. We have further noted that this fits the Unrestricted Warfare doctrine as explained in a book by that name in 1999. We also demonstrated that this doctrine was alive and well in the Chinese military. Finally, we pointed out that it is now official Chinese policy to de-Americanize the world and replace the dollar as primary reserve currency. And yet, arrogance or naivety has kept policymakers and economists in serious denial. The Pentagon had my studies and evidence and yet continued to look for anything that would tell them that Chinese intentions were benign.
Now, we have an article in CNBC this past week that basically says, “Wait, What?” Why is China trying to replace the dollar? Don’t they know that’s a bad idea?
Why de-dollarize? The greenback serves China’s economy well
Dr. Michael Ivanovich, CNBC, October 16, 2017
….China has been trying for some time to reduce its dependence on the dollar. Beijing actively promotes settlements of bilateral trade transactions in national currencies. More recently, it also offered a gold-backed yuan to fund oil trades. China seems firmly determined to de-dollarize by opening up its capital account to underpin the global use of its own currency.
Such a politically-driven policy change does not seem to be dictated by any readily apparent economic imperatives…
This is pretty nearly an outright admission that the Chinese are carrying out their policy exactly as we have told you for years. But the economists just can’t grasp it. In fact, they say since it is not driven by economics, it must be political. Well, there’s a third option. It is economic warfare.
We also have a few other things from the past week that fit into the economic warfare picture. Russia is developing a Crypto-Ruble. This is their own version of Russian-controlled Bitcoin. Second, the Chinese appear to poised to take 5% of Saudi Aramco. the Saudis wanted to sell 5% of their state-controlled oil company for $100 billion through a stock offering. But it appears that such an offering would require a real twisting of the rules to launch in London. A New York Stock Exchange IPO is possible but the American appetite for oil shares may be limited at today’s oil price. No matter, China has offered to step up. But what they may demand is the end of the petrodollar. They want all oil transactions priced in Chinese yuan. Say, what???? Yes, a massive economic warfare strike that we have warned about for years has now become very close to reality and was reported at CNBC just last week:
China will ‘compel’ Saudi Arabia to trade oil in yuan — and that’s going to affect the US dollar
Sam Meredith 11 Oct 2017
China will “compel” Saudi Arabia to trade oil in yuan and, when this happens, the rest of the oil market will follow suit and abandon the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency, a leading economist told CNBC on Monday.
Carl Weinberg, chief economist and managing director at High Frequency Economics, said Beijing stands to become the most dominant global player in oil demand since China usurped the U.S. as the “biggest oil importer on the planet.”
Saudi Arabia has “to pay attention to this because even as much as one or two years from now, Chinese demand will dwarf U.S. demand,” Weinberg said.
“I believe that yuan pricing of oil is coming and as soon as the Saudis move to accept it — as the Chinese will compel them to do — then the rest of the oil market will move along with them.”
In addition to all of that, it is reported that China intends to assume full global leadership within a few decades. They are no longer content to be a rising power or emerging economy. They want to rule the world. And they don’t mind who gets shoved aside in the process. How will they accomplish that feat? Why economic warfare, of course. This is their doctrine. It’s in all their literature. From forced technology transfer to shoving their weight around with neighbors, the Chinese master plan is underway. And, of course, we warned about this as well. In fact, I debated Michael Swaine of the Carnegie Institute for World Peace on this very subject a few years ago at the DIA headquarters.
Now, of course, having been proved right about what is happening, the “establishment” wants to blame the Trump administration. The Carnegie Institute for World Peace is now claiming that President Trump’s nationalist, America-first, approach is why the Chinese are winning. This is as ridiculous as their denials a few years ago regarding the fact that China was attempting to displace us. They are flat out wrong and likely complicit in a globalist view. We are in a global economic war and have been for years. We’ve just had our head in the sand about it. Now that the evidence is becoming overwhelming, the shift is to blame the first President in years to recognize the war underway.
Here’s the good news. We can still win this war if we acknowledge it and act quickly. We can stop the flow of forced technology transfer and Intellectual Property theft. We can protect the Power Grid. We can shore up financial market defenses. We can unleash the American economy with tax and regulatory reform. We can rebuild American infrastructure and finance it with repatriation of corporate earnings trapped overseas. This is a formula for victory. And, several of these things are in the Trump plan.
Of course, if we call it the Trump plan, it will sadly find uninformed opposition. Maybe we should tell everyone it is Bernie Sander’s plan? After all, when college students were told that the Trump tax plan was Bernie’s idea, they loved it.
Our bottom line is that we shouldn’t follow the failed leadership that has consistently denied the problem. Now that we know the truth we must start down a sensible path that will make America great again before it’s too late.